CheaperWaste is a waste management service provider that offers general waste and recycling collections to businesses throughout the UK. Below we look at reviews for the company along with the services they offer, how much they cost and other key things you need to know to help you decide which commercial waste provider is right for your business.
CheaperWaste Commercial Waste Reviews
Below we look at reviews for CheaperWaste from a variety of websites. Please keep in mind that these reviews are for all of CheaperWaste’s services and so may not fully reflect their business offerings.
- Trustpilot: 3.3 of 5 based on 5,095 reviews.
- Review Centre: 1.0 out of 5 based on 18 reviews.
- 1.0 out of 5 based on 130 reviews.
CheaperWaste Commercial Waste and Payment Services Plans, Packages & Prices
CheaperWaste Commercial Waste services include:
- Caters for small to medium-sized businesses
- Transparent pricing with cost per collection
- They ensure that clients are legally compliant and have the relevant certification
- Provides customers with collective buying power to get more competitive rates
- Helps businesses to minimise waste to landfill
- General waste
- Dry mixed recycling
- Glass collections
- Food waste
- Clinical waste
- Hazardous waste
- Secure document shredding
- Washroom waste
- Skip hire
There is no pricing information available on their website, you will need to contact them to get a quote.
Note plans, packages and prices were all accurate at the time of publication but may have changed since then. Please check CheaperWaste’s website for the latest information.
CheaperWaste Background
CheaperWaste was founded in 2011 in Newcastle to cater for small to medium-sized businesses to fill the gap they found that traditional providers were not catering for their changing needs. They have grown from being a local provider to a national provider serving over 18,000 customers.
They service a range of business types including leisure and hospitality, general retail, offices, health care and beauty, and industry and heavy plant businesses. They offer transparent pricing that is based on a cost per collection basis with no hidden charges. They provide their customers with collective buying power so that they negotiate the most competitive prices. They provide a legally compliant service and provide the correct certification.
CheaperWaste offers collection services for general waste, dry mixed recycling, glass collections, food waste, clinical waste, hazardous waste, secure document shredding, washroom waste and skip hire. They support customers to maximise their recycling and minimise waste going to landfill.
Switching With CheaperWaste
If you want to switch commercial waste providers to CheaperWaste you can get a quote by completing their online quote form or 0330 124 2535.
Additional Business Services From CheaperWaste
CheaperWaste only offers commercial waste management services.
CheaperWaste Customer Service and Complaints
You can contact CheaperWaste’s customer services on 0330 124 2535.
CheaperWaste Contact
You can get in contact with CheaperWaste by:
- Calling 0330 124 2535
- Completing their contact form
- Post – 1st Floor, 20 Collingwood Street, Newcastle Upon Tyne NE1 1JF
CheaperWaste Commercial Waste Pros/Cons
- Transparent pricing with no hidden costs
- Ensures compliance and certification are in place
- Assists with minimising waste to landfill
- Collects a variety of waste and recycling
- Outsources their collection services
- No pricing available
- Very mixed reviews with a split between very poor and very positive customer reviews